How do I update my membership info?

The best way to change your membership information to make a new listing and email us so we can delete your old one. blackinfilmdatabase@gmail.com

Can I donate to Black In Film?

100% of donations go into site maintenace and promotion. Please see our Indiegogo Campaign.

Is this site for the U.S only?

Currently we are only able to facilitate this site for U.S. use. If you would like to see a site for black filmmakers outside of the U.S. email us and we can talk further.

What qualifies Membership?

Black In Film is specifically for black filmmakers as a way to increase employment in behind the camera roles and promote community within filmmaking. This site is specifically for the inclusion of black filmmakers. We will be adding an affiliates section to link to POC specific organizations in our next site update.

What is the password for the Job List?

The Job List no longer has a password.